
General Meeting

The Union’s General Meeting is held every second year. The Board of Directors will convene the General Meeting by invitation sent to each member. Every regular member has the right to vote at the General Meeting. The Union’s General Meeting discusses the annual reports prepared by the Board of Directors and elects the Chair and Vice Chair of the Union Council as well as appoints the regular members and alternate members of the Union’s Council. The Union calls an Extraordinary General Meeting upon the proposal of the Board of Directors as well as when requested in writing by at least 1/10 of the Union’s regular members or at least 1/10 of all members.

Union Council

Council members are elected so that each chapter of the Union is represented by one regular member and two personal alternate members per each beginning hundred (100) Union members of the chapter in question. The Union chapters nominate their own representatives.

Union Council for the 2023–2024 term

Union Board

The Union’s Board of Directors consists of the Chair and 1–2 Vice Chairs as well as at least six (6) and at most eight (8) other regular members and their personal alternate members, all of whom are elected to serve a two-year term.

The Chair and Vice Chair / Vice Chairs and the other regular members and alternate members of the Board of Directors are elected by the Council’s autumn meeting.

Union Board in 2024

Working groups in 2024

Union Board Working Committee

The Union Board Working Committee consists of Jukka Heikkilä (Union Chair), Teija Laitinen and Petri Mäntysaari (Vice Chairs), Tarja Niemelä (Executive Director) and Raija Pyykkö (Head of Union Affairs).

Union Council Working Committee

The Union Council Working Committee consists of Eeva Moilanen (Council Chair), Jukka Pellinen (Council Vice Chair), Jukka Heikkilä (Union Chair), Tarja Niemelä (Executive Director) and Raija Pyykkö (Head of Union Affairs).

Investment Committee

The Investment Committee consists of Jukka Heikkilä (Union Chair), Teija Laitinen (Vice Chair) and Tarja Niemelä (Executive Director). Anne Lehto, Financial Controller, serves as secretary. Professors Luis Alvarez and Timo Rothovius act as expert members regarding Union investment activities.

Editorial Committee for the Professor blog

The Editorial Committee for the Professor blog is comprised of Jukka Heikkilä (Union Chair), Tarja Niemelä (Executive Director) and Leena Kurkinen (Communications Manager).

Copyright Working Group

The Union’s Copyright Working Group includes Chair Jukka Heikkilä (University of Turku), Petri Mäntysaari (Hanken), Eeva Moilanen (Tampere University), Olli Norros (University of Helsinki), Esko Niemi (Aalto University), Keijo Ruotsalainen (University of Oulu), Katja Weckström (University of Eastern Finland) and Tommi Kärkkäinen (University of Jyväskylä). Leevi Mentula, Head of Employment Relationship Affairs for the Union, serves as secretary.

Election Committee

The Election Committee includes Chair Paula Rossi (University of Oulu), Hannu Rantanen (LUT University) and Maria Lähteenmäki (University of Eastern Finland). Leevi Mentula, Head of Employment Relationship Affairs, serves as secretary.

Working group on the selection process of union representatives

The working group includes Chair Eeva Moilanen, Jukka Pellinen, Olli Norros, Petri Mäntysaari, Johanna Moisander and Tarja Niemelä (secretary).

Directory of Professors Working Group

The Directory of Professors Working Group includes Chair Laura Kolbe (University of Helsinki), Petri Lehenkari (University of Oulu), Johanna Kujala (Tampere University), Anne Juppo (University of Helsinki), Leena Kurkinen and Raija Pyykkö (secretary).