Membership eligibility

Membership in the Union is open to individuals who have been appointed to a university professorship or hold a comparable position as a researcher or teacher. Also a person who is in a temporary employment relationship may join the union. Persons, who have been appointed as professors or put on a professor’s tenure track through an expert led assessment procedure are eligible for the union membership.

Employees of state research institutes who work as professors or research professors are eligible for membership in the Finnish Union of University Professors. Appointment to such tasks typically requires the employees in question to have undergone an evaluation of their scientific merit.

Membership eligibility will be considered individually in the following cases:

  • Those employed as research directors or in comparable positions at State research institutions;
  • Those employed as research professors, research directors or in comparable positions for research organisations other than State research institutions;
  • Those employed in a part-time professorship that is equivalent to less than 25 per cent of a full-time professorship;
  • Those employed under the title Professor of Practice.

A membership application submitted by a research institute employee must be accompanied by (1) a resume, which details the applicant’s professional career, evaluations of scientific merit, possible docenture, PhD thesis supervision work as well as other scientific activities. Also needed are (2) a list of publications (3) and a description of the applicant’s current professional duties. E-mail these documents to Head of Union Affairs Raija Pyykkö, raija.pyykko (at)