Meeting of the Union Council on 22 November 2024

The autumn meeting of the Council of the Finnish Union of University Professors was held in Helsinki on 22.11.2024.

At its meeting, among other things, the Council approved the Action Plan and Budget for 2025 and elected the Chairman, Vice Chairmen and resigning members and deputy members of the Board for the term 2025–2026.

Union Board 2025

Teija Laitinen, Accounting, University of Vaasa

Vice Chairs
Johanna Kujala, Management and Organisations, Tampere University
Markku Vieru, Business Economics, University of Lapland

MemberDeputy member
Edward Hæggström
Physics, University of Helsinki
Jussi Sopanen
Mechanical Engineering, LUT University
Petri Lehenkari
Medical Cell and Developmental Biology, University of Oulu
Johanna Ilmakunnas
Nordic History, Åbo Akademi University
Eila Lindfors
Craft Design and Technology Education, University of Turku
Rami Vainio
Space Physics, University of Turku
Mika Lähteenmäki
Russian Language and Culture, University of Jyväskylä
Taina Rantanen
Gerontology and Public Health, University of Jyväskylä
Johanna Moisander
Organisational Communication, Aalto University
Mari Hatavara
Finnish literature, Tampere University
Petri Mäntysaari
Commercial Law, Hanken School of Economics
Veli Matti Virolainen
Supply Management, LUT University
Markus Olin
Spent Nuclear Fuel Final Disposal, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Leena Rouhiainen
Artistic Research, University of the Arts Helsinki
Juha Rouvinen
Organic Chemistry, University of Eastern Finland
Vesa-Pekka Lehto
Materials Physics, University of Eastern
Liiton hallituksen puheenjohtajaksi kaudelle 2025–2026 on valittu laskentatoimen professori Teija Laitinen Vaasan yliopistosta ja varapuheenjohtajiksi yrityksen johtamisen professori Johanna Kujala Tampereen yliopistosta sekä liiketaloustieteen professori Markku Vieru Lapin yliopistosta.

Vice Chair Markku Vieru, University of Lapland; Chair Teija Laitinen, University of Vaasa; Vice Chair Johanna Kujala, Tampere University