Archive: 2023

Howy Jacobs.

Taking back control

The landscape of scientific publishing is rapidly changing. We academics need not only to keep pace with the changes, but preferably take back control of the entire process. Having been involved with the ‘industry‘ for almost 3 decades, both as author/reviewer and editor, it feels to me as if we are close to a tipping...

Nelli Piattoeva.

To academic friendships

What does one write in a professional blog commencing the long-awaited summer break and concluding the academic year one was dreading for the last five years – the year of one’s tenure evaluation? My initial plan was to list and substantiate ideas to develop the tenure-track (TT) system. I wanted to focus on TT support,...

Howy Jacobs.

The Covid cohort

Recently I happened upon a group of students in the atrium of our institute, resplendent in their traditional student overalls, who were busy putting out plastic glasses and ice buckets of sparkling wine. “What are you celebrating?”I asked. They seemed a bit nonplussed, even slightly embarrassed by my question. I asked it again adding a...